
Rent an exquisite villa in a picturesque location to make your celebration special and exclusive. The luxurious design of the property will add elegance and comfort to guests, and the beauty of the surrounding nature will be the perfect decoration for your wedding.

Event room

Оrganization assistance

Personal manager

Large area

We would be honoured in assisting with your dream celebration by recommending the services of proven specialists: decorators, catering, stylists and other professionals.

Villas by HomeMinsk are ideal for a wedding ceremony in Minsk.

Spacious banquet halls with an area of 100m2 with a fireplace will comfortably accommodate guests, and in the comfortable lounge areas all those present can interact in a relaxed atmosphere.

Covered summer terraces, barbecue and cosy armchairs are located on the 1500m2 land plot.

Fences with a height of three meters will ensure privacy, and round-the-clock surveillance cameras will provide security for you and your guests.

The property provides guests with the opportunity to go cycling, play futsal, table tennis or basketball. The villa is available to rent for a single wedding for a day or for a extended period of time.


  • − 4 comfortable bedrooms with beds equipped with orthopaedic mattresses;
  • − Villas range from 3 – 6 bathrooms;
  • − Fully equipped kitchen in each property;
  • − Swimming pool with hydromassage;
  • − Hookah;
  • − Barbecue.


  • − Bose sound system;
  • − Home cinema;
  • − Satellite television;
  • − Fast Wi-Fi;
  • − Apple TV.

HOME MINSK offers:

✔️ Event Hall

✔️ Check-in area

✔️ Help in organizing (catering, decor)

✔️ Personal Manager

✔️ Location for photo session

Renting a cottage for a wedding is a great idea. Wedding country house is a private area, which is available only to newlyweds and guests.

It is possible to hold events without fear of noise and uninvited guests, and after the party there are rooms for the guests.

The villas are equipped with a spacious banquet hall and a beautiful location for the away ceremony.

HomeMinsk provides the best conditions for celebrating wedding. The villas are designed for simultaneous accommodation of 6-10 guests. Spacious cottages are equipped with all amenities for a comfortable stay away from the city noise. Villas are for rent. To book a cottage, you can leave an application on the site or call +375 29 150-75-75.

Наши виллы

Вилла K

1500 USD per night

Каменная горка, ул. Садовая, 26

350 м2

4 спальни

3 ванные ком.

8 гостей

Вилла Fortuna

2000 USD per night

Тарасово, Ботаническая улица, 37

650 м2

5 спален

5 ванных ком.

10 гостей

Вилла Flora

2000 USD per night

Тарасово, улица Тенистая, 36

650 м2

5 спален

5 ванных ком.

10 гостей

Вилла R

1500 USD per night

Тарасово, Загородная улица, дом 55

400 м2

4 спальни

4 ванные ком.

8 гостей


1000 USD per night

Тарасово, Загородная улица, дом 57

350 м2

2 спальни

2 ванные ком.

6 гостей

Вилла J

1500 USD per night

Тарасово, Загородная улица, дом 53

400 м2

4 спальни

4 ванные ком.

8 гостей

Villa Tarasovo

1500 USD per night

Тарасово, Славянская улица, дом 2

350 м2

3 спальни

3 ванные ком.

8 гостей

Отзывы наших гостей:



We are happy to welcome you for the 2nd European Games 2019 !

From June 21 to June 30, 2019, Minsk will become a host of the 2nd European Games – international multi-sport competitions among athletes of the European continent, which are held every four years under the direction of the European Olympic Committees. Within the 2nd European Games, competitions will be held in 15 sports. More than […]


Contact us:

We will be happy to provide you with all the necessary information about our villas and additional services

Our manager:

24/7 guest support


Описание изображения

ИП Солодуха Ольга Леонидовна Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, пр-т газеты «Правда», 22-790 УНП 193816281, Свидетельство о государственной регистрации выдано 28.11.2024 Минским городским исполнительным комитетом ЗАО «Альфа-банк», ул.Сурганова, 43-47, ALFABY2X, Р/с BY76 ALFA 3013 2G04 6100 1027 0000

+375 29 150-75-75